Recipient Spotlight | Vision quest

 In Recipient Spotlight

Seth Boydston received his Chahta Foundation scholarship in 2013 and is a future orthopedic surgeon.

Seth Boydston’s vision for his career in medicine did not come until after he’d earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Oklahoma—in civil engineering. After working in that field for several months, he realized that his job as an engineer was challenging, but not fulfilling. Meanwhile, his wife was seeking treatment for her Crohn’s disease, and he felt admiration for the physicians who treated her. He decided to try job- shadowing some physicians. What he experienced emboldened him to make the brave leap from engineer to medical student, and the Choctaw Nation has supported him all the way. Boydston earned his medical degree in May 2014, and is now a resident in orthopedic surgery. The gratification of his work has shown Seth that his unlikely leap was the right one: “It’s a specialty that will constantly challenge me to be better. Even a minor procedure can transform a person’s quality of life.”


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